
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

10/18/2013 Patterns

by Manish Garg

There are patterns; patterns in thoughts, patterns in emotions, patterns in actions.  That is what makes some behaviors and pieces of information stick out in our heads.  This is what the discipline of psychology (and other social sciences) is based on: finding patterns in the way humans think and feel and act and using the idea of repeatability and experience to create a model of human behavior so that we know what is going on when good things happen or when bad things happen (or something like that).

This week is kind of experimental, and I hope it will be fun.  I'm terrible at scholarly research but pretty ok at thinking and talking, and I care about people.  So I thought maybe we could all take some time to meditate together on patterns in the behaviors we see in ourselves and the people around us.  What I wish to do is a bit hard to explain; it is something that will either come naturally or fail completely, and I hope we can all at least have some fun with it.

Like I said, I'm no good at research, so I won't have any books to quote from or any fancy names or dates to quote.  This will be purely you, me, us, thinking and feeling together in a room.  I also wish to transcend the philosophy club tradition of a big group discussion followed by a small group discussion format and not necessarily follow any format; I want to see how the group feels and what seems best to do at the time.  I hope this makes your lives at least a bit better, and I hope we can have fun with it.

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